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......Some of these houses come equipped with amenities that would make a traditional farmer blush!  They can be the size of mansions and are generally built for luxury. (As opposed to their ancestors, who were built for function).  There are even home design/building contractors that specialize exclusively in building and selling farm style houses, believe it or not.


Renovating the older homes is a business in itself these days too.   You should take a bit of time to investigate building practices of the past if you take on a project like this though.  Nail style, building materials and styles can help you to figure out what era you are dealing with.

A lot of the time you will find beautiful hardwood floors under nasty carpets.  Siding materials can cover (and protect) an original finish that may just need a painting.  Insulation and wiring are usually things that will need a complete overhaul.


Back in the days of Elizabeth Farm, these types of homes were built out of necessity.  It is no surprise to me that they are gaining such popularity, because even though it may be subconscious, it is a way for people to get back to their roots.  I hope you find the architecture pleasing, because you are going to be seeing more and more!

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